FireFly Camps & Weekend Retreats
The mission of the FireFly Camps and Weekend Retreats Program is to provide opportunities throughout the year for personal development, skills building, and family respite.

FireFly Summer Camps
The summer developmental camping program provides a traditional camp experience for individuals with spina bifida and related disabilities. The program combines traditional camp fun with skill development in a barrier-free atmosphere regardless of disability. For many, it is an opportunity to be with friends and experience activities never thought possible.
A primary focus of the program is to work on teaching health care, life management, pre-vocational, and interpersonal skills. These skills are taught indirectly through goal-oriented activities such as cooking, art, sports, nature, archery, swimming, and discussion groups. Each summer program has a specific theme with targeted goals and objectives. The individual does not need to be independent in self-care routines to participate. Groups are determined based on age and interests.
FireFly Weekend Retreats
Weekend Retreats are an extension of the FireFly Summer Camp Program. Weekend Retreats enable participants to get together with friends throughout the year. The emphasis of the program is on developing and maintaining friendships. Groups are based on age.

Financial Assistance:
For more information OR if you require financial assistance and need a Campership application, please email [email protected] or call the office at (724) 934-9600. (Please note: In order to be eligible to qualify for financial assistance, you must participate in at least one fundraiser.)
Medication Policy:
Medications must come in pre-dosed bags, medicine boxes or syringes for liquid medications. You will need a med bag for each time you take medication. Please arrive to check-in with them pre-dosed. We do not need to see the original bottles.
Please log into camp doc and ensure that all medications to be taken for the week are correct. This will make check in faster and smoother. If you do not use camp doc please call the office and provide us with the list and doses of medication at least the week before camp starts if not sooner. This is very important!
Camps & Retreats Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel your reservation, you may do so; however, the following will apply:
- If you cancel before the registration deadline,we will refund 100% of your registration fee.
- If you cancel after the registration deadline,your registration deposit will not be refunded.
- If you do not cancel and do not show up, you forfeit all costs.
This policy is subject to change; all participants will be notified of any changes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (724) 934-9600.
In order to be eligible for financial assistance, you must partipicate in at least one fundraiser. Sarris candy bar sales are available all year. Please call or email Sue Garver for more information about current fundraisers.
WISH LIST for FireFly Camps and Retreats:
- Acrylic paint
- Canvas panels for painting
- Cricket paper
- Jars or wine bottles for crafts
- Glass containers for crafts
- Pony beads
- Construction paper
- Wax for candle making
- Soap for making soap
- Glue guns and glue
- Scissors
- Paper products, plates, bowls, paper towels,
- Tin foil, Parchment paper
- Plastic table clothes for painting and crafts
- Gallon and sandwich zip lock baggies
- Clorox wipes
- Baby wipes
Gift cards are very appreciated, that way we can purchase any necessary supplies. Walmart, Giant Eagle, Dollar Tree, Michaels and Amazon are useful.
You can also visit our Walmart Registry.
Camp Guyasuta – Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions about Camp Guyasuta. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call (724) 934-9600 or via email:
Sue Garver: [email protected]
No. If your child is unable to self-cath, our staff will do this for them and work with them on finding ways to help make them more independent in this area. Sometimes, we even have kids leave camp doing this for themselves!
We ask that you bring all medications pre-dosed and labeled for each time the medication is given. The staff will then administer the medication at the appropriate time.
The counselors are primarily college level staff. They are trained in all aspects of personal care from showering and dressing to cathing and performing bowel routines by the Association staff. Also, there is an Association staff member on site during care times to assist as necessary.
For weekend retreats we ask that you bring all medications pre-dosed in either a pill container or med bags. The staff will them administer these medications at the appropriate time. In the summer we will send out medication bags to you so that you can mark and fill them before coming to camp, however, we still ask that you bring the original pill bottles with you as well.
We do not recommend that parents speak with their children while they are at camp, as often times this increases or causes homesickness. We will be happy to take your call and tell you how they are doing and of course we will always call you if we have any questions.
Counselors will distribute the pre-dosed medications at the proper times.
There are electrical outlets on both floors of the buildings, we will be able to charge everyone’s chair.
Yes, the floors are air conditioned.
Firefly camps and retreats has its own number, and the leadership will have this phone with them at all times during the retreat. The phone number is (724) 841-9280. This number should be used by families and ACCESS transportation to contact staff.