Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer With Us
Are you looking to spend quality time with a great group of people who really appreciate your time and effort? If so, please contact us today.

SBAWP is always on the lookout for students, retirees, and other individuals with flexible schedules who would like to share their energy and experience.
And who knows… you might just make some great new friends out of the experience!
Weekend Retreats
- afternoon – setup
- ‘Check-in’ Friday nights
- ‘Pushing chairs’ & help on Sat.
- ‘Check-out’ on Sunday
- ‘Laundry service’ Fri. night/ Sat.
- afternoon – teardown
Fithian House
- Evening ‘group’ activities (educational/life skills), social (bingo, arts & crafts), physical (exercise)
- Arts & craft
- Game night
- Study hall helper
- Beauty night for ladies
- Nails/hair/makeup
- Interior painters
- Landscaping
- Window cleaning
- Cleaning
- Landscaping – outside projects