Living Beyond Limits - What's Happening Now

11th Annual
Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Thank you to everyone who made the 11th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash a success!
Without you … our sponsors, attendees, donors, volunteers, and our MC, Karen Brackett … we wouldn’t have been able to raise funds to support the programs offered by the Spina Bifida Association of Western Pennsylvania.
Our staff and program participants appreciate your support!
Congratulations to everyone who won a purse, basket, or mystery bag!
We look forward to seeing you in 2025 at the 12th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash! Keep an eye on our website … Tickets will go on sale by September 1, 2025.
If you would like to donate a purse, basket item, mystery bag item, or bottle of wine, please reach out to Robin Wingard at 724-934-9600 or [email protected].
9th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble
Thank you for making the 9th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble another HUGE success! This golf fundraiser supports SBAWP’s FireFly Camps and Weekend Retreats!
Thank you to our sponsors, volunteers, staff, golfers … and Beaver Valley Golf Club … for supporting the 9th Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble!
We look forward to seeing you in 2025!

36th Annual John L. Moroney III Golf Classic
Thank you to all of the attendees, board members, volunteers, staff … as well as a special thank you to Dan Quinn, Karen Demma, and Hickory Height Golf Club … for another successful year! The John L. Moroney III Golf Classic supports the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA’s FireFly Camp, held annually at Camp Guyasuta in Sharpsburg.
We will see you all back at Hickory Heights Golf Club in Bridgeville on Monday, July 28, 2025.

2024 FireFly Camps
This year’s summer camp was truly “Out of this World” … REALLY! … the theme was Space.
We always kick off camp with a great campfire. Singing songs with Jake playing the ukulele, telling stories, making smores and mountain pies.
We had a lot of fun with the theme making planet pendants, space suncatchers, kaleidoscopes, straw rockets, galaxy slime and kaleidoscopes. We each made our own planet and aliens and as a group tried to make up a story about them. We made paintings of our own astrological constellations.
We did some experimenting with holograms using our phones and launched plastic bottles way into the air with vinegar and baking soda. They went a lot higher than anyone expected.
Our resident music teacher Jake taught us how to compose music, played fun musical games and he even brought boom whackers for us all to try.
Some of the tasty treats we made included alien pretzels, galaxy cake pops, moon Nutella fruit dip, Martian munch mix and galaxy punch to name a few.
Our games were even out of this world. We split into teams for the galaxy games. They included: landing the spaceship on the planet, hot moon rock, tossing the bean bag into the black hole, throwing the meteor at the planets and more. We played space invaders, capture-the-alien and had a moon rock scavenger hunt all around camp.
Planets, aliens, lights and the galaxy all decorated the space which made it feel just like space. For the dance we made light constellation jars to decorate the tables. We had a photo booth where you could put on an astronaut helmet and get a surprise visit from our resident alien. Look at the photos, they are hilarious. Lots of food, music, dancing, games and even a rocket and alien pinata filled with Milky ways and take-home space bracelets.
As with every year, there was zip lining, swimming, boating, BB shooting, archery, axe throwing, corn hole and more. The final night is our farewell ceremony. We dance, eat, and reminisce about our fun time at camp. We give awards to our friends and counselors and share our favorite memories. There were lots of laughs and tears to end the night.
More than the activities and food, camp is about making friends, having laughs and making memories. That is what camp is all about! Hopefully, you will join us and find out for yourselves.
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600.
The camp was fantastic!!!!!! We couldn’t do it without our dedicated counselors, volunteers and donations. Many thanks to all that help support the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA Camps & Retreats Programs.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

11th Annual Afternoon JamFest Sunday, June 23, 2024 Jergel's Rhythm Grille
The fundraiser benefits the programs offered by the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA. In addition, we take this opportunity to present our Chairman’s Award to an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary generosity to the improvement of the quality of life for individuals with disabilities since 1996. This year, we are pleased to present the 2023 Chairman’s Service Award to Richard (Dick) Smith.
Dick Smith has been a familiar and welcomed face at SBAWP for over 22 years! During that time, Dick served as a Director, President and Chairman of the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA Board of Directors. He has also served on the SBAWP Housing Board for 10 years. The SBAWP is blessed to have special people like Dick Smith who have a heart for service.
If you would like to nominate someone who should be recognized by our board of directors, please contact Robin Wingard, Director of Development, at 724-934-9600 or [email protected]
We would like to thank our sponsors, the band … the Swearing Hats, attendees, volunteers, staff, and board members for making this event a huge success. Thank you to Jergel’s and their staff for the incredible hospitality!
We look forward to seeing you at the 12th Annual Afternoon JamFest. The date and details will be on our website as soon as it’s available.

7th Annual Shoot for SBAWP
We are grateful for everyone who came out and made the 7th Annual Shoot for SBAWP a HUGE success! Hunting Hills Shooting Preserve ordered up the perfect weather yet again at their beautiful shooting range.
From our sponsors, to everyone who either donated or invited another team, THANK YOU. This was our most successful clayshoot to date.
We look forward to making the 8th Annual Shoot for SBAWP an even bigger success. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, May 15, 2025.
2024 Spring Retreats
When the March retreats rolled around, we were so glad to get together with our friends and do some fun stuff. The retreats didn’t disappoint.
The Adults kicked it off playing some “minute to win it” games. They had so much fun and were very competitive. They also got to get some Bingo in over the weekend.
We made some interesting animals out of pinecones. Pigs, chickens, bats and swans to name a few. Very creative. We also did string pull painting and made flower paintings using the bottom of soda bottles. So colorful.
Not to mention the yummy treats we made. Thin mint cookies just like the girl scouts, and peanut butter pudding. So good. We even had a visit from Smokey the camp dog.
Youth and teen added some wonderful storytelling from Lias at fine arts miracles. Shelby also had us create stories about our own animal clay creations.
For April we wanted to welcome spring with several flower projects. The Adults made some cool flower paintings with balloons, beautiful sunflowers with canning lids and Shrinky Dink keychains. It’s not spring without a visit to see the horses. What a beautiful day it was.
Youth and Teen kept it going by making artistic interpretations of animal photos. When it came to the Shrinky Dinks we couldn’t stop Eli. I swear he made over 50 different designs. We did a science project making unpoppable bubbles. We had so much fun we kept making them until the whole table was full. What fun it was popping them in the end. They also had fun with Scooter the service dog throwing the ball and giving him plenty of hugs and kisses.
This is just a little taste of what we do at the retreats.
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact Sue Garver at 724-934-9600.

10th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash
We had a wonderful time coming together on Saturday, November 11, 2023 at Divine Parish’s St. Ferdinand Oldenski Hall and raising money for the programs at SBAWP.
We had drawings for 26 beautiful designer purses, a bonus purse raffle, mystery bags, the wine pull, and the always fun reverse raffle. We enjoyed catering by Aviva Brick Oven in Warrendale, cookies by our wonderful volunteers, and cosmos and white sangria.
Thank you to everyone who helps make the Purse Bash one of our best events! We couldn’t do it without our vendors, donors, volunteers, staff, and attendees!
Check out the photos from the events here!
The 11th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 9, 2024.
Tickets will go on sale September 1, 2024.

2023 December FireFly Retreats
The December retreats are always so much fun getting together with friends before the holidays and this December did not disappoint!
The adult retreat kicked off the fun by making delicious chocolate trifles, snow globes, and several different ornaments for sharing with family and friends. Our gift exchange is always hilarious with people stealing gifts from one another. In the end everyone got a gift they liked. We played holiday bingo and other games winning fun prizes.
Youth & Teen also had fun when Fine Arts Miracles stopped by. Lisa shared some stories and we made a group holiday card. Jill helped us put together our very own song, “Camp FireFly is Great”. (We have some fantastic budding musicians in our group.) We also made baby owls by painting with forks … they were so cute.
We all ate too much at the holiday party. We laughed, played games and had fun with all of our friends … making memories that will last until we get together again!
Don’t forget to register for the March retreats so you will have a spot. It’s sure to be lots of fun and it will be nice to see our friends after the holidays.
Wishing you all the happiest and healthiest of holidays and New Year!!!!!!
See you in the spring!!!!
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact Sue Garver at 724-934-9600. We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

2023 Fall FireFly Retreats
We kicked off the fall retreats with crisp air, which was just perfect for campfires!
We had so much fun with our science experiments; we made our own puffy paint and super bouncy balls. The adults also made great smelling whipped soap with the scent of orange and lavender.
Youth and teen had a visit from Shelby from Fine Arts Miracles. She taught us how to make mono prints from tinfoil.
We made some tasty treats, of course!!!! Three ingredient Nutella brownies, mini apple spice donuts, and cheese dip.
This time of year is always fun go through camp and see all of the scary Halloween decorations.
It was so great to see everyone and get together with friends.
Can’t wait to see everyone at the December retreats!!!!! Don’t forget to register. December 1-3 for youth and teen and December 8-10 for adults.
Time to make some more memories!!!!!!
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact Sue Garver at 724-934-9600.
8th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble
We would like to thank everyone who came out to make the eighth Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble another huge success. Thank you for taking the time to help us send individuals with spina bifida and related disabilities to our FireFly Camps!
Brandon and Tanner started the Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble eight years ago as their senior project to benefit our FireFly Camps and two years later, their sisters, Jordin and Rebecca, continued the tradition. We love seeing the four of you every year!
Thank you to our dinner sponsor: PNC
Thank you to our tee sign sponsors: McCormick Family, The Murrman Family, The Yetsick Family, Robert & Debbie Davies, Steve Shivak & Family, Beaver Valley Auto Mall, CHIM International
Thank you, Beaver Valley Golf Club, for hosting us again this year!
Thank you …
To Our Volunteers ◦ SBAWP Board and Staff ◦ CLASS Staff
The Noll Family ◦ The Spratt Family ◦The McCormick Family ◦ The Murrman Family
The Yetsick Family ◦ The Liebenguth Family ◦Trudy Noll ◦ Darla Dunham ◦ Rod Dady
Robert & Debbie Davies ◦ The Whipps Family ◦ Steve Shivak and Family
The Schutte Family ◦ Birdsfoot Golf Club ◦ Hickory Heights Golf Club Beaver Valley Golf Club
Beaver Valley Auto Mall ◦ Fun Fore All ◦ CHIM International ◦ Waffles Incafinated
Mark your calendars!
The 9th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble will be held on
Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Beaver Valley Golf Club!

Partially Supported by:

2023 FireFly Summer Camp
A great time was had by all at this year’s summer camp! We started off the festivities with a day at Kennywood. Those who attended had food, fun and friends. Dizzying rides, loud screams lots of laughs and, of course, Potato Patch Fries. Eat’n Park was there and gave us a bunch of Smiley cookies to bring back to camp for decorating.
Our theme this year was a Visit to the Tropics. Palm trees, surfboards, tiki faces, flamingos, and a huge fish mural decorated the walls to greet the campers. We even had a walk-through waterfall.
We always kick off camp with a great campfire. Singing songs with Jake playing the ukulele, telling stories, making smores and mountain pies. Camp Guyasuta provided a new fire pit which made getting the fire going a breeze.
We made lots of tropical goodies like Hawaiian dream cake, chocolate dipped pineapple, macadamia cookies, Hawaiian onion dip just to name a few. Needless to say, we did not go hungry.
Some of the crafts we made were leaf palm trees, tiki faces, lanterns and ocean swirl paintings with fish. We also made tropical popsicle frames with shells and flowers for our photos from the photo both at the Luau.
Speaking of the Luau, it was great fun. Before it started, we all set off our own volcano’s that we had decorated. It was so cool to see all the different colored lava oozing all over the place. We made Pina coladas that we served up in our own take home drink cups. The counselors put on a hula show in their grass skirts and leis. It was hilarious! Lot’s of food, music, dancing, games and even a pinata filled with tropical key chains.
The outdoor movie night was a success. The adults watched Lilo & Stich and the youth and teen saw Moana. Both movies were touching and had great messages.
As with every year, there was zip lining, swimming, boating, BB shooting, archery, axe throwing, corn hole and more. The final night is our farewell ceremony we dance, eat, reminisce about our fun time at camp. We give awards to our friends and counselors and share our favorite memories. There were lots of laughs and tears to end the night.
More than the activities and food, camp is about making friends, having laughs and making memories. That is what camp is all about! Hopefully, you will join us and find out for yourselves.
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600.
Camp was fantastic!!!!!! We couldn’t do it without our dedicated counselors, volunteers and donations. Many thanks to all that help support the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA Camps & Retreats Programs.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

10th Annual Afternoon JamFest
Thank you to everyone who attending the 10th Annual Afternoon JamFest and made it it a huge success!
Thank you to the Water View Band for your awesome entertainment! Check them out on their website: or find them on Facebook to check them out again!
Congratulations again to Bob Gorman for being named the 2022 Chairman’s Award Winner! You are instrumental in the success of SBAWP and we appreciate everything you do to help us behind the scenes.
Thank you to our board for continuing to support each and every one of our events!
Thank you to our sponsors … Thank you Julia for all of the time you take to put together our fabulous baskets for each and every event … Thank you to our volunteers … Thank you Mallory for volunteering your time and talent by taking pictures all day … Thank you Jergel’s and your staff for another fantastic event!
We look forward to seeing you in 2024 at the 11th Annual Afternoon JamFest! Keep an eye on on website for the date!

6th Annual Shoot for SBAWP
Thank you to everyone who made the 6th Annual Shoot for SBAWP a huge success! We raised nearly $5,000 to help improve the lives of individuals with spina bifida and related disabilities through the programs SBAWP offers!
Thank you to our sponsors! Station Sponsors: Joe McCormick, The Schutte Family, Millennium Industrial Services, and Jackson Kelly PLLC. Ammo Sponsors: Air Ground Express, Millennium Industrial Services, Fluidtechnik USA, Inc., LMS Group, Shelly Drilling, and Covia.
We tried a new venue this year, Hunting Hills Shooting Preserve, and were not disappointed! What a beautiful, well-kept, friendly place to spend a beautiful afternoon!
We hope to see everyone at the 7th Annual Shoot for SBAWP on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at Hunting Hills Shooting Preserve!

Spring 2023 Retreats
The adults had a great time at the March retreat!!! We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and Russia’s 29th birthday! There were yummy cupcakes, Lucky You mint pie, St. Patrick’s Day puppy chow and more yummy treats. We made colorful butterflies, beaded shamrocks, and a plaque for our friends. We also played a lot of games and just had fun with our friends.
The youth and teens had so much fun at the March/April retreat! We had avisit from Tex the dog and Stephanie, his owner. We had a great singalong, lots of spring crafts with butterflies and bunnies as the theme. Fine Arts Miracles did a storytelling with Laisse, an Easter egg hunt … the big find was a bunny, and Art with Jessily was painting colorful Easter eggs. Everyone is so creative!! Food … singing … friends … What could be better?!?! We also had a little excitement when the wind nearly blew us away and the lights went out, but it didn’t ruin our fun!
We can’t wait to see you all at camp! Remember to register early! We hope you can join us for a tropical getaway … so get your flowered shirts and grass skirts ready!!

February 2023 Retreats
We tried something new this year and held our first
retreats in February!
Everyone had a great time with lots of activities
including painting three different ways using positive and negative space, making
tissue paper mâché vases, pom poms, and much more.
Fine Arts Miracles stopped by our Youth and Teen
Retreat with Tex the Therapy Dog and played musical jeopardy. We had a blast with everyone singing
along. We also did different ways to
watercolor. We have artists among
us. Take a look at the photos to see
what I mean.
For more information on upcoming camps or
retreats, visit our website: or contact Sue Garver at 724-934-9600.
Don’t forget to sign up for the next retreats, March 17-19
is the Adult weekend and March 31-April 2 is Youth and Teen.
Camp is quickly approaching! Please register early so we can plan a great
FireFly Camp for all of you! Don’t
forget to get your paperwork in early too … It’s a big help!!!!!! We will see the Adult campers July 2-8 and Youth
and Teen campers July 9-14.
Can’t wait to see you all in March and July!!!

FireFly Weekend Retreats - December 2022
This year’s Holiday retreats were great fun!!!!! Fine Arts Miracles got the Youth and Teen campers in the holiday mood with some songs and bingo. The following night we made our own music with some karaoke that made us all laugh.
Youth and Teen campers made really cool pine cone tree decorations in little clay pots, ornaments made out of light bulbs, and ornament paintings on a tree. Adults also made frosted holiday wine bottles with lights.
Never forget the snacks! We made yummy peppermint bark and toffee treats that we can share with our loved ones. We also had pesto twists made from puff pastry. Who knew we were so fancy!!
Each group shared in our usual holiday gift exchange. The adult favorites were the neck massager and headphones that were stolen back and forth. Afterwards the adults played a round of pass the parcel, which is like musical chairs except you pass a gift. Each time the music stops you unwrap a layer until the final person unwraps the gift.
We all ate too much at the holiday party. We laughed, played games and had fun with all of our friends. Memories that will last until we get together again!
We look forward to seeing you all in the new year. Don’t forget to register for the February retreats so you will have a spot. It’s sure to be lots of fun and it will be nice to see our friends after the holidays.
Wishing you all the happiest and healthiest of holidays and New Year!!!!!!
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact Sue Garver at 724-934-9600. We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

9th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash
Thank you to everyone who came out to support us at the 9th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash at St. Ferdinand’s Oldenski Hall in Cranberry Twp., PA on Saturday, November 12, 2023!
Thank you to our Beverage Sponsor, NexTier Bank, and our Reverse Raffle Sponsor, The Vein Institute of Pittsburgh!
Thank you to our vendors … and thank you for supporting our vendors: Haute Collection, Oil & Vinegar – Pittsburgh, K2Metalworks, Pink Zebra, Jewelry by Jacklyn, Norwex!
We appreciate everyone who volunteered their time or donating an item for our basket raffle, or a purse, or a mystery bag item.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, November 11, 2023! Tickets will be available on/around September 1, 2023.
Congratulations to all of the winners!

Fall Retreats - 2022
This year’s fall retreats had a woodland creature theme. The adults made hedgehogs out of pinecones, wooden owl ornaments, and pumpkin magnets.
Although it was a little early for Halloween, that didn’t stop our campers from getting in the mood with some festive outfits. David never disappoints. He dressed up as a giant penguin.
The youth & teen didn’t let the fun stop. They made leaf covered hedgehogs, and scarecrow magnets. Fine Arts Miracles had story-telling, and made clay pots and fall trees.
Each group enjoyed fall tasty treats including caramel apple pudding cups, pumpkin earthquake cake, and maple pumpkin spice Chex mix.
We all had fun checking out the camps Halloween decorations, enjoying the outdoors (when the weather permitted), and some cornhole and games.
We can’t wait to see everyone again for the December retreats!!! Register soon because space is limited.
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact Sue Garver at 724-934-9600.

7th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble
Thank you to everyone who supported the 7th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble on Saturday, September 17th! Thank you to Beaver Valley Golf Club for hosting the event, again, this year! It was a beautiful day, and a good time was had by all.
In 2016, Brandon Noll and Tanner Spratt, as part of their senior project and shared impact of spina bifida on their families, were inspired to organize a golf outing to support the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA. In 2019, their sisters, Jordin Noll and Rebecca Spratt, carried on the tradition and organized the Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble.
We were excited to see all four of these young adults (and their families) return to golf and volunteer at this year’s event. Thank you for continuing to help grow the event every year!
In 7 years, we have raised over $56,000 to send 50 individuals to SBAWP’s FireFly Summer Camps.
SBAWP is looking forward to carrying on the tradition of the Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble into 2023.
Mark your calendars for the 8th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble to be held on Saturday, September 16, 2023 at the Beaver Valley Golf Club!
Thank you to our Dinner Sponsor:

34th Annual John L. Moroney III Golf Classic
What started as a rainy day turned out to be another beautiful day for the John L. Moroney III Golf Classic where nearly 100 golfers turned out to raise money to support SBAWP’s FireFly Camps.
Thank you to Boilermakers Local 154, Ironworkers Local 3 and Steamfitters Local 449, who have been golfing together around the Pittsburgh area for 34 years for the Spina Bifida Association of Western Pennsylvania (SBAWP)! In that time, they have raised over $1 million dollars to help send thousands of children and teens with spina bifida and related disabilities to summer camp.
The relationship between the SBAWP and the Boilermakers, Ironworkers and the Steamfitters local unions has been a rich history of members, families and friends who continue to give back to their community and the SBAWP community. Their generosity will continue to pave a path for a strong future and a stronger community.
We look forward to carrying on this tradition for the 35th year on Monday, July 24, 2023 at Hickory Heights Golf Club.

FireFly Camps - Summer 2022
This year’s summer camp went off with out a “hitch”, literally!
Our theme this year was the Wild Wild West where campers enjoyed art, activities, games and dressing up in the spirit of the wild west. We decorated camp with cowboy and cowgirl silhouettes, campfires, cacti, a covered wagon and more. Each camper got their own sheriff badge for their name tag. Crafts involved making dreamcatchers, a watercolor western sunset, clay nature ornaments, cactus cards and small campfires we used as centerpieces for the dance to name a few.
We enjoyed mountain pies by the campfire and, of course, s’mores while we “attempted” to sing camp songs. Campers also made western favorites like wild west pasta, ranch buffalo chicken dip, dirt cake and haystack cookies. We certainly did not go hungry!
Campers got to play cowboys and bandits, enjoy an outdoor movie, and an evening of mustaches and margaritas (virgin of course). They got dressed up in western attire including mustaches and cowboy hats and we took photos of them all in a wanted poster. The best part was when one of the counselors (Niranjan) got dressed up in an inflatable horse costume. We couldn’t stop laughing!
We had a western game night complete with horseshoes, sling shot the cups, herd up the pigs, bottle toss, and barrel ball. Unfortunately, youth and teen night was cut short due to rain but that didn’t dampen our spirits.
Of course, we did all the usual camp activities, ziplining, swimming, bb shooting, archery, axe throwing, tee ball, basketball, and cornhole. We took a boat ride on the river in Ranger Mike’s new boat and took in the sights of Pittsburgh.
Traditions were kept alive with “Super Sloppy” (or the “counselor surprise”), the dance and awards night. Campers shed a tear as they said good-bye to their friends and counselors.
The campers and counselors made many special memories this year. I know I won’t forget all the laughs and smiles that warm my heart. That is what camp is all about! Hopefully, you will join us and find out for yourselves.
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

9th Annual Afternoon JamFest
We had another beautiful day for the 9th Annual Afternoon JamFest. It was great to see all of you coming together to celebrate the Spina Bifida Association of Western Pennsylvania and support our programs. Your support helps us create a community for our participants to come together and grow.
Congratulations to Karen Demma for being awarded the 2021 Chairman’s Award. Thank you for all of your hard work helping to bring the John L. Moroney III Golf Classic together!
Jergel’s and their staff were fantastic as always. Thank you for coming in on your “day off” to support SBAWP!
The band was so much fun! Thank you SpinCycle! Visit their website at or look them up on Facebook!
Next year’s date is still to be determined, but we hope to see all of you in 2023! Keep an eye on our website for more information!

5th Annual Shoot for SBAWP
We had another beautiful day in the Laurel Highlands for the 5th Annual Shoot for SBAWP! Thank you to everyone who attended!
Thank you to the following sponsors: Westmoreland Electric Services, Rothman Gordon, PC, Shelly Drilling, The Tripodes Family, The McCormick Family, The Yetsick Family, and Covia!
Thank you, Highlands Sporting Clays, for your hospitality!
We look forward to seeing you next year!
If you have feedback about the event or would like your group photo emailed to you, please contact Robin at [email protected].

2022 Highmark Walk
On a cold, breezy, rainy morning in May, hundreds of individuals braved the weather and came out to walk and raise money for over 100 nonprofit organizations in the Pittsburgh area.
We are grateful to be involved with the Highmark Walk for the past 12 years and raising over $120,000 for SBAWP during that time. This year proved to be an outstanding year for our organization raising over $27,000.
Thank you to all of the teams and individual walkers who came out to support SBAWP!

Walking for Harper
Team LMS
Team Dana
The Kustra Family
Team Gatehouse
Team Duffy
Team Marissa
Return of the Macs
Abby’s Angels

For more information regarding the winners of each bracket and the 2022 Sled Hockey National Championship, visit
Interested in disabled hockey? Check out the USA Hockey Disabled Hockey page at and the Mighty Penguins (local sled hockey program) at
2022 Toyota | USA Hockey Disabled Hockey Festival
USA Hockey’s disabled hockey program provides opportunities regardless of disability, which were represented at the 2022 Toyota | USA Hockey Disabled Hockey Festival. The Disabled Hockey Festival was held over two weekends in April 2022 at rink around Pittsburgh. The first weekend (April 7-10) featured Blind, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Special, Standing Amputee & Warrior Hockey and the second weekend (April 21-24) featured Sled Hockey with the 2022 Sled Hockey National Championship taking center stage.
We headed out to watch the second of three Mighty Penguins Adult Gold Team games on Friday, April 22, 2022 at the UPMC Lemieux Center in Cranberry Twp., PA. While the Gold Team was not victorious, everyone on the ice had a great time. Our very own RJ Bird scored the Gold Team goal.
Great job RJ, Marissa, Colin, and Kevin!

The Gatehouse Program provides a structured, safe, and supportive environment for individuals to successfully make the transition to adult life. Young adults live at the Gatehouse while receiving essential life skills and wellness training, as well as vocational and educational assistance.
Our participants are learning the skills necessary to live as independently as possible within our community. The staff and participants … together … come up with ideas on classes they are interested in (or find necessary).
Recently, they had a class on Toilet Repair. This class may sound a bit strange, but it’s definitely important information when you are living on your own. John Blyth, our Facilities Manager, did a great job explaining how toilets work and how to respond to malfunctions. We also covered cleaning, bathroom safety, and sanitation.
Thank you John!

December Retreats
It’s hard to believe the holidays are upon us but we certainly enjoyed the holiday spirit at the December retreats.
Youth and teen started the season right singing carols by the tree. We even made up our own version of the twelve days of Christmas. That was hilarious.
Fine arts miracles told us all stories about different holiday traditions while we all shared a few of our own.
We made tree ornaments and snowman with chalk that we can share with our families. We also made yummy snacks and hot chocolate with candy canes that we enjoyed after our fun gift exchange.
The Adults later shared in the fun by making gnomes and holiday glitter ornaments. The gang all sang carols while enjoying hot chocolate. We made pigs in a blanket a delicious treat and had the gift exchange.
We also tried a new game pass the parcel which is an English tradition. You wrap a gift several times putting surprises in each layer. The participants pass the parcel until the music stops. Whoever has the gift unwraps one layer until you get to the mystery gift. This may become one of Camp Fire Fly’s new traditions.
We laughed, played games and had fun with all of our friends. Memories that will last until we get together again. Wishing you all the happiest and healthiest of holidays and New Year!!!!!! See you in the Spring.
Share with friends that might enjoy joining us for the fun. For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600. look forward to seeing you soon!

8th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash
After holding the 7th Annual Girlfriends for Good Purse Bash virtually, we were thrilled to see you all at the 8th Annual Purse Bash on Saturday, November 13, 2021 at St. Ferdinand’s Odenski Hall. We raffled 28 purses, baskets, mystery bags, and wine.
We would like to thank Aviva Brick Oven for catering, our volunteers, vendors, and sponsors for making the day a great one!
With your support, we help to improve the lives of individuals with spina bifida and related disabilities in our community.
We look forward to seeing you all next year! Please check back to our website for the 2022 date!

Soup & Salad Fundraiser
We were so excited to be able to come together on Sunday, October 24, 2021 for our Soup & Salad Fundraiser … and we think you were too! This was the best year yet, raising over $2,000! Thank you to all of our volunteers, SBAWP staff, and everyone who made and donated soup and desserts! A special thank you to Gynni and Bob Gorman for all of you hard work!
We hope to see you in 2022! (The date to be determined AFTER the Pittsburgh Steelers schedule is announced so check out website at in August 2022.)

Youth & Teen October Retreat
Adult November Retreat
Retreat season is back with a bang!!!!!!!
It was great to get back together and see all our friends.
The fall retreats were a mix of Halloween fun and fall crafts. We made stuffed pumpkins, decorated ceramic pumpkins, and painted fall trees to name a few. We learned about Gratitude and how when we look at the positive things in life, life becomes more positive.
Scary stories were told by the open campfire. Games were played like bingo and Jenga. Some of us dressed up for snack time. We munched all weekend long on yummy eyeball cookies, a Halloween trifle, and warm and cheesy crack dip. We certainly did not go hungry.
We always have so much fun.
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Other Fundraisers and Ways to Support SBAWP:
ONE HOPE Wine Fundraiser

Please help us raise money by purchasing wine on the link below and also you can send wine to the SBAWP address for the Purse Bash!!
Here is the link to order:
Apparel Sale

We have partnered with Play2Wear in Cranberry Twp to provide an online apparel store for all of your SBAWP apparel needs.
A small portion of your sale will be donated back to SBAWP.
We have a select number of items on the site, but if there is something different that you are interested in, please email Robin ([email protected]) and we will try to get the item added to the store.
Here is the link to the online store:

6th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble
Thank you to everyone who helped make the 6th Annual Noll-Spratt Golf Scramble a huge success! The event started in 2016 with Brandon Noll and Tanner Spratt who were back to play this year. Jordin Noll and Rebecca Spratt organized the event in 2019 and Rebecca volunteered this year. We are grateful for the continued support we receive from the Noll and Spratt Families.
Again, Mother Nature treated us to beautiful weather. The Beaver Valley Golf Club staff was a key part of making the day a success.
Thank you to our Board of Directors for your continued support of such a great event! Thank you to those who attended, volunteered, donated, and sponsored a tee sign! Tee sign sponsors included J.E. Balicki & Associates – Erie Insurance, Pad2Pad Logistics & Consulting LLC, The Yetsick Family, Beaver Valley Automall, and NexTier Bank.
We look forward to seeing you next year on Saturday, September 17, 2022!

33rd Annual John L. Moroney III Memorial Golf Classic
Thank you to the Boilermakers Local 154, Steamfitters Local 449, and Ironworkers Local 3 for your continued support!
Thank you to all of the sponsors for coming out to support the 33rd John L. Moroney III Memorial Golf Classic to support the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA’s FireFly Camps! While it was a little on the warm side, it was a beautiful day to be at the Hickory Heights Golf Club.
For more information regarding SBAWP’s FireFly Camps, please visit
We look forward to coming together next year at Hickory Heights Golf Club on Monday, July 25, 2022.

Summer 2021 FireFly Camps
We “traveled” around the world with this year’s camp theme. Our campers “visited” different countries through food, crafts, song and dance. Each camper had an individual passport that was stamped once they “visited” a country.
Campers explored their heritage by researching their own nationality. Some found that they had several, as most of us do. we created a collage, “Be the Change YOU Want to See in the World,” with handprints that were decorated with the flags of our nationalities.
The campers participated in many outdoor activities, including swimming, zip lining, archery, BB gun shooting, and, new this year, axe throwing. We played basketball, cornhole, steal-the-flag, and parachute games. We also enjoyed a boat ride on the river and taking in the sights of Pittsburgh with Ranger Mike at the helm.
In the evening, we had a campfire with songs and s’mores. Jake, our co-leader, lead the group with his ukulele and guitar. We also enjoyed karaoke night, movie night, international night, and, of course, our closing dance and award night.
One of our traditions at camp is “Super Sloppy” and there is a reason for that name. The campers get to vote on which counselors they want to participate, then each camper has a chance to douse each counselor with a particular food item. This year each group had breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Well … you can imagine the fun that was had! Since this was my first year as the camp leader, I was lucky enough to be chosen. I still smell mustard and pickles to this day! Check our the pictures to get the full effect!!
Well, that is just a small taste of camp, but what can’t really be put into words is the joy felt between the campers and counselors alike. It’s the memories made with friends, something new they learned or found our about themselves that is the true magic of camp. Hopefully, you will join us and find out for yourselves!
For more information on upcoming camps or retreats, visit our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600. We look forward to seeing you soon!

8th Annual Afternoon JamFest
We want to express our sincere appreciation for our sponsors and everyone who came out to the 8th Annual Afternoon JamFest. We switched things up a bit this year because of the pandemic and held our Afternoon JamFest in June. We had beautiful, warm weather and were lucky enough to be able to use the patio at Jergel’s this year.
Our Signature Sponsors were Fifth Third Bank, Federated Hermes, Fort Pitt Capital Group, and The Yetsick Family. Gold Sponsors were John & Norma Liebenguth, NexTier Bank, and Seubert & Associates. Silver Sponsors were JF Balicki & Associates, Inc. – Erie Insurance, and the Schutte Family. Bronze Sponsors were McGee Maruca & Associates PC, Blackburn’s, and Three Rivers Adaptive Sports.
Proceeds from the 8th Annual Afternoon JamFest benefit the programs at the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA. To learn more about SBAWP, please visit our website:
If you attended, we hope you had a great time. If you were unable to make it, we hope to see you at the 9th Annual Afternoon JamFest in 2022. Please keep an eye on our website for the official date!

4th Annual Shoot for SBAWP
Thank you to all of the participants and sponsors for making the 4th Annual Shoot for SBAWP a success on Sunday, May 23, 2021 at Seven Springs! The weather was perfect for shooting again this year. If you have never been to Seven Springs, consider visiting the Laurel Highlands.
Our sponsors were Westmoreland Electric Services (Dinner), Tudi Mechancial (Beverage), Shelly Drilling (Station), The Schutte Family (Station), and our ammo sponsors: JE Balicki & Associates, The Luttner Costa Leonard Group – Merrill Lynch, Millennium Industrial Services, Paccar Financial, Joe McCormick, Nick Tripodes, and Tim Yetsick.
Proceeds from the Shoot for SBAWP benefits the programs at the Spina Bifida Association of Western PA. To learn more about SBAWP, please visit our website:
If you are interested in sponsoring or participating in the 5th Annual Shoot for SBAWP in 2022, please contact Robin Wingard at [email protected].

Spring 2021 FireFly Weekend Retreats
We moved forward this spring with our FireFly Weekend Retreats. While keeping all of the COVID protocols in place, we were able to stay safe and have fun! Yes! Actual fun with our friends! It had been too long.
The March Retreats started off the season with great weather. We were able to get outside and enjoy yard games such as cornhole. It also gave us an opportunity to visit with Beau and Yogi, the camp horses. I thing that was everyone’s favorite.
We had a St. Patrick’s Day celebration with a scavenger hunt, rainbow cupcakes and, of course, shamrock shakes. We learned about science by making rain-in-a-jar and the art of airplane making … topping it off with an paper airplane race.
For our April and May Retreats, we concentrated on our Mom’s. We made clay dishes bedazzled with gems and flowers. This, along with handmade pop-up cards and painted pots with flowers, made the moms smile at the Youth and Teen Mother’s Day Brunch. The girls had a visit from local nursing school students to get their nails painted for the special day.
There is always so much going on at weekend retreats, I cannot possibly go into it all. Crafts, cooking, and games … just to name a few. you will just have to join us and find out for yourself. Take a look at some of the photos from the recent Spring Retreats to see the fun we had.
For more information on upcoming retreats, check out our website: or contact me, Sue Garver, at 724-934-9600. Hope to see you soon!

Welcome to our first blog post!
While you are here, we hope that check out our new website. One our website you will be able to see all of our fundraising events as well as our FireFly Camps and Retreats schedule. As we host events (fundraisers or camps and retreats), we will share photos here.
Our latest edition of our newsletter, Kaleidoscope, is out now. If you would like to take a look at the digital copy, click here: You will also find all of our past newsletters here.
We are excited to kick off our fundraising season with the Highmark Walk. Due to COVID, it will be virtual again this year. Please click this link: to sign up for the walk before July 15, 2021.